Azure Service BUS Topic

Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise message broker with message queues and publish-subscribe topics. Service Bus is used to decouple applications and services from each other, providing load-balancing work across competing works, safely routing and transferring data and control across service and application boundaries, and coordinating transactional work that requires a high degree of reliability.

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Operator Guide

This is the guide for your bundle. It will appear under the guide button in Massdriver.

Use it to describe to users how the bundle works, use cases for the bundle, and examples.

monitoring.modestringEnable and customize Function App metric alarms.
service.regionstringSelect the Azure region you'd like to provision your Azure Service Bus in. Cannot be changed after the resource is created.
service.skustringSelect your desired SKU tier for the Service Bus Namespace. Cannot be changed after the resource is created.
subscription.batched_operationsbooleanEnable support for batched operations for the Service Bus Subscription.
subscription.max_delivery_countintegerThe number if maximum deliveries, ranging 1-2000.
subscription.sessionbooleanService bus sessions allow ordered handling of unbounded sequences of related messages. Cannot be changed after the resource is created.
topic.batched_operationsbooleanEnable server-side batched operations for the Service Bus Topic.
topic.duplicate_detectionbooleanEnable duplicate detection for the Service Bus Topic. Cannot be changed after the resource is created.
topic.expressbooleanEnable express entities to hold messages in memory temporarily before writing them to persistent storage.
topic.support_orderingbooleanEnable ordering support for the Service Bus Topic.