Unleash (kubernetes)

Unleash is a open source feature flag & toggle system, that gives you a great overview over all feature toggles across all your applications and services. It comes with official client implementations for Java, Node.js, Go, Ruby, Python and .NET Core.

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autoscaling.enabledbooleanNo description
database.namestringThe name of the database to use. Note: this database must already exist!
ingress.enabledbooleanEnabling this will expose unleash on the public internet
namespacestringThe kubernetes namespace to install unleash into
resources.enable_limitsbooleanEnabling this will set resource limits in addition to the requests (values will be the same as requested values)
resources.requests.cpunumberThe expected CPU cores required for this application. Fractional numbers are allowed (0.5 is one half of a CPU core).
resources.requests.memoryintegerThe expected Memory resources required for this application.