Writing Maintainable IaC: Use Case Specific OpenTofu / Terraform Modules
May 29, 2024
1 hour

Join us for a webinar on Use Case-Oriented Design for Terraform modules. We will teach you to write maintainable modules tailored to specific functional requirements. This design philosophy enhances usability and ensures that each module performs optimally within its intended environment.

Key Topics:

Minimal Interfaces: Learn how to design modules with a minimalistic approach, focusing on exposing only necessary variables that directly relate to the module's functionality. This reduces complexity and makes the modules more intuitive.

Hard-Coded Values: We will explore the strategic use of hard-coded values within modules to promote consistency and reliability across deployments, reducing the potential for errors.

Guard Rails: Discover how to implement guard rails in your Terraform modules to prevent misconfigurations and ensure that users operate within predefined operational parameters.

Enums/Options vs. Any String Input: Understand the importance of using enums or predefined options instead of arbitrary string inputs to restrict user choices to valid and tested configurations, thus enhancing module robustness.

Validations: We will cover incorporating validations within your Terraform modules to check for correct input values before deployment, ensuring that configurations meet the required criteria.

Presets (Prod, Dev): Learn about splitting operational configurations (Ops) from development configurations (Dev) to address different concerns efficiently. This approach allows for seamless transitions between development and production environments by using presets tailored for each.

Structured Output: Gain insights into the best practices for structuring outputs from Terraform modules. We will discuss how defining clear output "types" can aid in the predictability and reusability of modules across different projects.

This webinar is designed for infrastructure engineers, DevOps professionals, and anyone interested in optimizing their use of Terraform for infrastructure management. Whether you are looking to refine your existing Terraform modules or build new ones from scratch with best practices in mind, this webinar will provide valuable guidance and practical tips. Join us to enhance your skills and ensure your infrastructure is both robust and easily manageable.

Cory O'Daniel

Past webinars

Best Practices for Containerizing Web Apps with Docker
July 19, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, you'll learn to dockerize a web application and discover how to efficiently utilize containerization, streamline application deployment, and optimize resource utilization through practical demonstrations and expert insights. Gain a comprehensive understanding of Docker fundamentals and learn valuable tips and tricks to enhance your development workflow and maximize the benefits of containerization technology.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
View Webinar
Massdriver Feature Showcase: Bundle Building
July 26, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, you'll learn to take Terraform modules and publish them to the Massdriver Package Registry. You'll learn how to use dynamic configuration, principle of least privilege IAM, and infrastructure monitoring.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
View Webinar
Massdriver Feature Showcase: Diffing Environments & Deployments
August 2, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, you'll learn how to lower mean time to resolution with visual change history diffing and how to quickly spot configuration differences across regions and environments cutting your debugging time in half.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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