Best Spotify Backstage alternative designed for building developer platforms

About Spotify Backstage

Spotify’s Backstage is an open-source framework for building Internal Developer Platforms. The primary function of Backstage is to act as a service catalog. Teams build services and integrate arbitrary data like CI status, software inventories, URLs, and service documentation. This is useful in organizations that are too big to easily manage and document their services and teams. The plugin ecosystem provides many useful features, however many plugins require you to build backend systems to support them.

About Massdriver

Massdriver is a SaaS platform that empowers operations engineers to provide self-service to engineering teams. Operations engineers publish high-level modules with rich validation and guardrails in place, allowing product teams to quickly diagram and configure secure infrastructure without learning additional languages or tools. Out of the box, Massdriver provides insights into the architecture, cost, and health of systems deployed by it; giving operations and product teams unprecedented insight into their systems.

Feature Comparison

List of services and environments
IaC module registry
Diagram of system’s architecture
Cost data
Audit log
Deployment history
*feature not provided but can be built or obtained via the plugin ecosystem


Spotify’s Backstage is a powerful framework perfect for teams that have built very large and standardized systems. The power of extension provides organizations with the ability to build a custom service catalog. For organizations early in the journey of moving towards operational excellence, Massdriver provides more functionality out of the box to let you focus on standardizing your infrastructure and fostering collaboration between operations and product teams.

Loved by DevOps and Software Engineers

Massdriver is incredibly easy to use, and makes best practices for operations approachable even for novices. Despite this, it also provides immense power to more advanced users.
View AMD Case Study
Zachary Hueras
Principal Software Engineer
AMD Global Telemedicine experienced an 89% reduction in "DevOps" tasks and saw ROI in about 10 days.
Massdriver is a must for small teams that don’t have the resources for a dedicated DevOps team, as it significantly simplifies and improves their deployment processes. It is also a great tool for bigger teams as it follows best practices when provisioning infrastructure and modernizes processes by using Infrastructure as Code.
View GameStake Case Study
Ivan Ivanov
Head of Engineering
GameStake saved 25% on their cloud costs by adopting Massdriver.
We are partnering with innovative companies like Massdriver to help founders achieve more. As a part of Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub, startups can now receive access to Massdriver's productivity tools, designed to streamline cloud management and reduce infrastructure development time.
Kirk Safford
Their proactive approach to user feedback, coupled with the platform's open-source nature, ensures it remains an essential tool in our DevOps arsenal.
Valeriy ​​Tverdohleb
Massdriver is a comprehensive platform engineering solution that combines ease of use with robust functionality. Its focus on compliance, security, and cost-effectiveness makes it a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes.
Minith Jain
Founding Engineer
As an engineer who no longer has their own DevOps team, Massdriver is a great abstraction for a team who wants to move away from their PaaS, but doesn’t want to go completely to the IaaS side.
Elijah Kim
Senior Software Engineer
It is an amazing experience building a Microservice base cloud infrastructure with it, as it handles huge amounts of the configuration work in the background (while still allowing all the customizations for advanced users or corner cases) and allows one to keep an overview of the project. Best support I have ever seen.
Kevin Kleber
Massdriver has been essential in carrying us forward quickly into the most powerful, modern paradigm for managing multiple cloud infrastructures ever known.
Jordan Ritter
It's incredible to me that I could put together a sophisticated release like this so quickly and easily.
Lars Solberg
The employees of Massdriver are incredibly attentive and helpful. Great product with excellent support.
Ben Rosand
Founding Engineer
With Massdriver we were able to replace days of planning and debugging backend infrastructure with Terraform to having it up and running seamlessly in under an hour.
Bernie Conrad
Lead Software Engineer
We've had a great experience. The Massdriver team has always been responsive to our questions and ready to jump in.
Joseph Sciarrino
Co-founder & CEO
Within hours of discovering Massdriver, we were able to fully implement what had previously taken months of tedious terraform coding. Everything is scalable and self-documenting while still remaining extensible. This tool is hard to beat!
Josh Restivo
Director of Architecture