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OpenTofu Foundations: Tooling and Best Practices in OpenTofu (Part 10)

This week, we’ll focus on essential tools that ensure your OpenTofu configurations are reliable, secure, and maintainable. By the end of this session, you’ll have enabled key tools, understood their value, and integrated them into your workflow.

by:  Cory O'Daniel
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This is part 10 of a 10 week workshop. Check out part 9 or watch the recorded session here.

The GitHub repo with all labs can be found here.

1. Setting up Pre-commit Hooks

Pre-commit hooks run checks automatically before code is committed, saving time and reducing errors.

While they're a great tool for ensuring quality before committing to git, they're also a great way to learn these tools without waiting for CI. :D

Setup Pre-commit

Install pre-commit and initialize the hooks:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Add .pre-commit-config.yaml to your repo root:

  - repo: https://github.com/tofuutils/pre-commit-opentofu
    rev: v2.1.0
      - id: tofu_fmt
      - id: tofu_validate
      - id: tofu_tflint
      - id: tofu_docs
      - id: tofu_providers_lock
      - id: tofu_checkov
      - id: infracost_breakdown

Aside: If you want to limit these to running for just week 10 see the configuration in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

Run the hooks manually:

pre-commit run --all-files

2. A Tour of OpenTofu Tooling

2.1 Tofu Format (tofu_fmt)

What It Does

  • Aligns code blocks for consistent indentation and spacing.
  • Ensures your code adheres to OpenTofu's style guidelines.


Run the formatter on a module:

pre-commit run tofu_fmt --all-files
  • Look at any changes made to your .tf files.
  • Add unaligned code and rerun to see it corrected.

Tips & Best Practices

  • Run tofu_fmt before committing changes to catch style issues early.
  • Use tofu fmt -check in CI pipelines to enforce formatting.

2.2 Tofu Validate (tofu_validate)

Contextual Setup

Validation ensures that your configuration files are syntactically correct and ready for deployment.

What It Does

  • Catches syntax errors in .tf files.
  • Validates that all required inputs are defined.


Run validation on your module:

pre-commit run tofu_validate --all-files

Try intentionally breaking syntax (e.g., delete a closing brace) and see the error it produces.

Tips & Best Practices

  • Always run tofu_validate after adding new resources or variables.
  • Use in conjunction with tofu plan to catch logical errors.

2.3 TFLint (tofu_tflint)

Contextual Setup

TFLint is a framework and each feature is provided by plugins, catching common misconfigurations.

What It Does

  • Find possible errors (like invalid instance types) for Major Cloud providers (AWS/Azure/GCP).
  • Warn about deprecated syntax, unused declarations.
  • Enforce best practices, naming conventions.


Add a .tflint.hcl config file:

plugin "terraform" {
  enabled = true
  preset  = "recommended"

Introduce an invalid instance type:

variable "instance_type" {
  default = "t1.micro"  # Invalid

Run the linter:

pre-commit run tofu_tflint --all-files

Fix the error by switching to t3.micro and rerun.

Tips & Best Practices

  • Update TFLint plugins regularly to stay current with your cloud provider.
  • Customize rules for organizational policies, like enforcing specific tags.

2.4 Module Documentation (tofu_docs)

Automatically generated documentation reduces manual work and ensures your modules are well-documented.

What It Does

  • Updates your README.md with all inputs, resources, providers, modoules, and outputs.
  • Ensures documentation is always up to date.


Add fences to your README.md for tofu_docs to add documentation to:


Add a description to an input variable:

variable "instance_type" {
  description = "The type of EC2 instance to launch."
  default = "t3.micro"


pre-commit run tofu_docs --all-files

Check the updated README.md.

Tips & Best Practices

  • Use detailed descriptions for inputs and outputs to improve module usability.
  • Generate docs after every significant change to the module.

2.5 Provider Version Locking (tofu_providers_lock)

Locking provider versions ensures reproducible builds and prevents breaking changes from updates.

What It Does

  • Locks provider versions in .terraform.lock.hcl.
  • Ensures your team uses consistent provider versions.


Run the provider lock tool:

pre-commit run tofu_providers_lock --all-files

Inspect the .terraform.lock.hcl file and note the locked versions.

Tips & Best Practices

  • Use version ranges like ~> 3.0 for flexibility within a major version.
  • Update locks periodically to stay secure and compatible.

2.6 Checkov (tofu_checkov)

Checkov scans your configuration for security misconfigurations, ensuring compliance with best practices.

Checkov v. Trivy v. Terrascan

These tools aren't mutually exclusive, but their value becomes clearer as your organization grows and faces new challenges. Checkov is often the first step—easy to integrate, great for catching Terraform misconfigurations, and enforcing compliance. But as your infrastructure scales and your security needs become more complex, you’ll start reaching for Terrascan for custom policies or Trivy to tackle vulnerabilities in container images, dependencies, and other assets beyond Terraform.

The overlap between these tools isn’t a bad thing—it reflects the natural progression of security as organizations mature. You might start with Checkov because it’s lightweight and effective, then bring in Terrascan when you need policy flexibility or Trivy when your stack grows into containers and runtime environments. It’s not about picking the perfect tool, but about layering the right ones as your needs expand. Start small, scale smart.

Comparison Table

Primary FocusIaC security and policy enforcementContainer, IaC, and runtime securityIaC security and compliance
Languages/Files SupportedTerraform, Kubernetes, Helm, CloudFormationContainer images, IaC, file systems, runtime environmentsTerraform, Kubernetes, CloudFormation
Vulnerability ScanningNoYesNo
Compliance StandardsYes (OPA extensible)YesYes
Runtime Environment ScanNoYes (e.g., Kubernetes clusters)No
Policy ExtensibilityOPA policiesLimitedCustom rules in YAML
SBOM GenerationNoYesNo

Checkov is your go-to for quick, powerful checks that catch Terraform misconfigurations and ensure compliance. It's simple to set up, integrates nicely into CI/CD pipelines, and provides a solid foundation for any Terraform-heavy workflow.

Terrascan steps in when you need more customization. With its Open Policy Agent (OPA) backend, you can write highly specific policies that align with your organization's needs.

Trivy, on the other hand, is the multitool—it does Terraform misconfig checks but shines when you need to scan container images, runtime environments, or dependencies alongside your infrastructure.

What It Does

  • Flags issues like open security groups or unencrypted storage.
  • Checks compliance against frameworks like SOC2 or NIST.


Run Checkov on a module:

pre-commit run tofu_checkov --all-files

Example warning:

CKV_AWS_20: "Ensure S3 buckets are not public"
File: main.tf:12-19
Resource: aws_s3_bucket.public_bucket

Fix the issue and rerun.

Tips & Best Practices

  • Focus on critical issues to improve security posture incrementally.
  • Use Checkov in CI to prevent insecure code from being deployed.

2.7 Infracost (infracost_breakdown)

Contextual Setup

Infracost estimates the cost of your infrastructure, enabling cost-conscious decisions.

What It Does

  • Provides cost breakdowns for your resources.
  • Helps identify expensive configurations before deployment.


Run Infracost:

pre-commit run infracost_breakdown --all-files

Check the output and identify the most expensive resource.

Tips & Best Practices

  • Use Infracost during pull requests to enforce cost-awareness.
  • Share breakdowns with stakeholders to justify infrastructure costs.


  1. Run tofu_docs and update a variable description.
  2. Configure tofu_tflint and correct any detected issues.
  3. Run tofu_checkov and fix or silence errors.

Happy coding! 🎉

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