OpenTofu Foundations - A FREE Weekly Workshop to Build your IaC Skills

Are you ready to dive into the world of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with OpenTofu? We're excited to introduce this 10-week series, designed to take you from a beginner to a confident practitioner of OpenTofu. Whether you're just starting out with IaC or looking to solidify your knowledge of OpenTofu, this workshop is for you.

Cory O'Daniel

For one hour each week over 10 weeks, we’ll guide you through hands-on coding sessions. You'll learn everything from setting up OpenTofu and writing your first configurations to mastering advanced functions, integrating with CI/CD pipelines, and managing infrastructure across multiple environments. Each session builds on the last, ensuring you gain a strong, practical foundation in managing and scaling infrastructures with OpenTofu.

Register now—seats are limited! Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your IaC skills with practical, weekly coding sessions.

What You'll Learn:

Week 1: Getting Started with OpenTofu - 2024-09-25
Introduction to OpenTofu, its purpose, and basic installation. Learn to set up a project and understand the foundational concepts of Infrastructure as Code. Write your first OpenTofu configuration and define basic infrastructure resources like compute instances and networking components.

Week 2: Modular Infrastructure with OpenTofu - 2024-10-02
Organize your code with reusable modules. Learn how to import modules into configurations and apply best practices for modular infrastructure design.

Week 3: Functions, Control Structures, and Blocks in OpenTofu - 2024-10-09
Learn to enhance your infrastructure configurations using OpenTofu’s built-in and custom functions, control structures, and blocks. This session will cover how to use functions and control structures like conditionals and loops to create dynamic and adaptable configurations. We'll also dive into creating custom functions using opentofu/terraform-provider-go to extend the functionality of your setups. Additionally, you'll explore the use of blocks to organize and modularize your code, making it more maintainable and reusable.

Week 4: Integrating OpenTofu into CI/CD Pipelines - 2024-10-16
Integrate OpenTofu into CI/CD pipelines to automate infrastructure deployments. Set up a pipeline to test, validate, and apply configurations reliably.

Week 5: Advanced OpenTofu Resource Management - 2024-10-23
Explore advanced resource configurations using locals, outputs, and dependencies. Create more dynamic and flexible infrastructure setups.

Week 6: Testing and Validation with OpenTofu - 2024-10-30
Learn how to incorporate testing and validation into your OpenTofu workflows. This session will focus on tools and practices for testing your infrastructure code, including syntax validation, resource policy checks, and simulating infrastructure changes before applying them. By the end of this week, you'll know how to ensure that your configurations are reliable, secure, and ready for production.

Week 7: Multi-Environment Infrastructure Management - 2024-11-06
Manage and deploy infrastructure across multiple environments. Set up configurations for development, staging, and production to ensure consistency.

Week 8: Understanding State Management - 2024-11-13
Explore how OpenTofu manages the state of your infrastructure. Learn about state files, secure storage, and state locking strategies for managing multiple environments.

Week 9: Mastering State Management and Resource Imports - 2024-11-20
Deep dive into state management, including importing existing infrastructure and handling state changes. Learn best practices for managing legacy resources.

Week 10: Scaling and Best Practices for OpenTofu - 2024-11-27
Focus on scaling OpenTofu for large infrastructures and adopt best practices. Organize large projects, manage team collaboration, and implement advanced infrastructure strategies.

By the end of this workshop, you'll have a solid understanding of OpenTofu's capabilities and be well-equipped to manage infrastructure confidently.

Only 50 seats are available. Register now!

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